
GARD 8000® Family

Global Architecture Relaying Device (GARD)

RFL's GARD platform is highly versatile and is designed to perform a multitude of protective relay and communications applications. The GARD platform supports both legacy and modern communications technology and can be adapted to the most-basic and the most-complex protection systems. Explore our product offerings below.

GARD 8000® Distance Relay

The Distance Protection Module in the GARD 8000® System is a full-featured Line Distance Relay with all protection functions required for a complete line protection terminal.


Current Differential Relay - 87L

The Current Differential Protection Module in the GARD 8000® System is a proven current-only, high speed line protection system. The advantages with current-only schemes are well known:


GARD 8000® Single Function PLC Channel

The GARD 8000® Single Function PLC channel is a product that can be programmed as Frequency-Shift Keyed (FSK) power line carrier system or as an amplitude-modulated ON/OFF powerline carrier transmitter/receiver terminal.


GARD 8000® Protective Relay & Communications System

The GARD 8000® Global Architecture Relaying Device is a revolutionary product platform that provides the user with a fully programmable system that can be used for all teleprotection and line protection needs.


GARD 8000® Remedial Action Scheme (RAS)

Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) are designed to monitor and protect electrical systems by automatically performing switching operations in response to adverse network conditions to ensure the integrity of the electrical system and avoid network collapse.


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Utility industry and electric utility white papers by RFL providing communications and protection solutions to today's challenges, such as migrating data from leased lines.

Helping Utilities Move Forward in IP Migration

Multipoint-to-Multipoint Protective Relaying Signaling Using Digital Communications and Built-In Logic

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